
Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers.

It is controversial that whether schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers or not. To my opinion, students should be asked about their teachers. Those evaluations are good for the teachers, the school administrators and the students themselves.

Student evaluations are good for teachers. From those evaluations, teachers know what students like or dislike about the class. They realize which subject students think is difficult or easy. They discover activities that students enjoy as well. Therefore, teachers find out ways that reach students and avoid ways that don’t. For example, they can change the way they present a lecture or a talk. Or they can encourage students to participate in activities they like. All of these things are to improve classes to meet students’ demandS/NEEDS.

Student evaluations are good for school administrators. Student evaluations give an idea of which teachers are most effective and popular among students. They help administrators to know if students are satisfied or dissatisfied with the school program. With these evaluations, administrators work better with teachers. They can work together to improve the school program.

Student evaluations are good for students themselves. They have to think carefully before deciding whether a teacher does well or badly in his teaching. They have a chance to give their opinions about activities which they think are interesting and which they think not. They have to think of what kind of help they need in their study. In other words, to make evaluations offer students opportunities to develop their honesty and responsibility.

In conclusion, those reasons make it a good idea to let students evaluate their teachers. For improvements in our education system, that is an excellent choice.

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